It's raining again today.
It rained all weekend.
It's going to rain all week.
Rather than looking at this as the depressing, housebound, cabin-fever occasion that it surely is, I've decided to look at it as the opportunity that, surely, it also is.
So, ten positive thoughts about rain:
1. It's watering in all of the plants I put in last week without raising my city water bill.
2. It's washing ragweed pollen out of the air.
3. It's making lots of pools and puddles from which beautiful wildlife can drink.
4. It's not flooding.
5. It's not drought.
6. It gives my daughter an opportunity to splash in puddles, which gives me the opportunity to splash with her and/or film her splashing - both of which are highly joyous.
7. It gives me the opportunity to go out in the rain and get wet so as to experience the bliss of coming in to get dry.
8. As my mother's Nana used to say: "All sunshine makes a desert."
9. It's great book reading and napping weather.
10. This last one is our quote of the day, courtesy of Ms. Dolly Parton: "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
So now I'm going out for a walk in the drizzle. And I'm going to look for rainbows.